
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Inspectorate was involved in the audit of state losses in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of wooden vessels from the Bima Regency Transportation Service (Dishub) for the 2019 fiscal year.

"Yes, for the Bima wooden ship, there is indeed a request for a calculation to the NTB Inspectorate," said Inspector of the NTB Inspectorate Ibnu Salim in Mataram, Thursday, November 9, confiscated by Antara.

With the request of the Bima District Attorney's Office (Kejari) investigators, Ibnu said that his party was conducting a study to first see the potential for state losses in the case.

"So, we are currently in the process," he said.

In the course of this case, the Attorney General's Office of Bima has examined witnesses and collected evidence in the form of documents related to the project.

Penyidik kejari Bima juga meminta penguatan alat bukti berupa pemeriksaan fisik dari kalangan academia yang ahli di bidang perlayanan.

Investigators have received the results of the physical check and are now supporting data in the inspectorate's activities to calculate state losses.

In this wooden procurement project, the transportation office realized the procurement budget for special allocation funds (DAK).

Funds are allocated for the procurement of two wooden ships. Appearing as the winner of the CV Berkah Brothers auction based in Bima Regency with a contract value of Rp989 million.

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