JAKARTA - The presidential candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto received the support of Barisan Entrepreneurs Fighters to run in the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo was touched to have been supported by volunteers from the elements of a young businessman led by the Mayor of Medan, who is also the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo, Bobby Nasution. "I accept with full emotion and responsibility, I accept the statement of support from the brothers and businessmen throughout Indonesia submitted by ketum Bobby Nasution," Prabowo said at the Jakarta Theater, Wednesday, November 8. The Minister of Defense also admitted that he was heartened because he was supported by young entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia. Prabowo said he would be responsible for the support. "On behalf of myself and brother Gibran Rakabuming Raka, I accept that support statement. I feel great today because the one declaration here is young entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia," said Prabowo.
"By requesting the pleasure of Allah SWT, we state, first, that we, the ranks of Fighter Entrepreneurs, are at the forefront of realizing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is united with a just and prosperous sovereignty," said Chairman of the Barisan Fighter Entrepreneurs, Bobby Nasution at the Jakarta Theater, Wednesday, November 8.
Second, the ranks of Fighter Entrepreneurs encourage Indonesia's sustainability to advance for the realization of Indonesia's gold 2045. Third, the ranks of Fighter Entrepreneurs support the government's alignment in producing young entrepreneurs for the realization of Indonesia becoming a developed country.
"We, the ranks of Fighter Entrepreneurs, hereby declare support, vote and win the candidate pair and vice presidential candidate Prabowo Gibran to become president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024-2029," said Bobby.
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