JAKARTA - The Presidential Candidate for the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan, responded to the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) which dismissed Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman for being proven to have violated ethics in the decision regarding the age limit of the vice presidential candidate.
Anies hopes that the Constitutional Court's decision can restore public trust and maintain the honor of the Constitutional Court (MK) which was later referred to as the 'Family Court'.
"We respect the decision of the honorary assembly, and the honorary assembly must carry out an objective, transparent process, which relies on data, shahih information," said Anies in Mampang, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 8.
"Hopefully the decisions of the honorary assembly will really maintain the honor of the very honorable Court," he continued.
According to the former governor of DKI Jakarta, the Constitutional Court's decision must be able to maintain the dignity of the Constitutional Court. Moreover, the Constitutional Court is one of the highest courts in the Republic.
"We are talking about the constitution, it's already high, this is a constitutional court. Then there is the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court, so this is a high level," said Anies.
"Therefore, I want to convey that perhaps this has been completed, we respect this decision and hopefully we can maintain the dignity of the constitution," he added.
It is known that the Constitutional Court is considered a Family Court because its chairman, Anwar Usman, is considered to have made a decision that passed his nephew, Gibran Rakabuming in order to run as a vice presidential candidate in 2024.
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