
KALTARA - An unknown man suddenly attacked the Tarakan Police Headquarters, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Sunday, November 5.

"The unknown person (OTK) attacked the Tarakan Police, after reports of murder in the Beringin area, this morning at around 07.00 WITA," said Head of the Tarakan Police Public Relations Section Ipda Anita Susanti Kalam, Sunday, November 5.

Then came immediately shouting at the Tarakan Police Headquarters with an iron rod with a sharp end when carrying out an attack at the Guard Room, the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) and damaged a patrol car.

"An unknown person came himself with iron which had sharp ends. Immediately came here (Polres) screaming," said Anita.

As several personnel get ready to go to the scene of the case with reports of murder in Beringin.

"Immediately destroy. We are indeed preparing to come to the crime scene with the reporter, because the reporter is here," he said.

Tarakan Police personnel immediately took action to paralyze the unknown person by shooting and dead.

From observations at the Tarakan Police Headquarters, a police line was installed with a guard room that was seen scattered in broken glass and a patrol car also suffered damage to the windshield.

"An unknown person has been taken to the hospital. We are still focusing on investigating reports of alleged murder in Beringin that have entered and have examined witnesses," said Anita.

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