
ACEH - Avian researcher from the Environmental Studies Group (KSLH) Heri Tarmizi, stated that the King's Kuau bird known as the Greatmen is not extinct, but is threatened with extinction (NT). "His status on the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is threatened with extinction or endangered, including protected animals, not extinction," said Heri Tarmizi in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, November 3. Statement as well as straightening Youtuber @jaguarsniperkicau272 about discovery The King's Kuau bird protected wildlife in the Aceh forest. This bird is said by the youtuber to be extinct. Heri said that the King's Kuau bird was still found in several Aceh forests. In fact, conservationist at Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) once released that the wildlife could still be found in the lowland of about 1,400 meters above sea level. "In Indonesia, Kuau Raja can be found in Kalimantan and Sumatra, while globally it can be found in Myanmar, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam," he said. The viral video of the discovery of the Kuau Raja bird by the @jaguarsniperkicau272 team since it was uploaded on October 23 has been witnessed by 4.8 million viewers and received more than 5,000 comments. In the video, two teams led by Balia, the content owner, moved the male Kuau Raja Bird to a wider forest because the wildlife is in a forest that is too small, about 1 hectare and is in the environment of an oil palm plantation company. As a researcher, Heri regretted the action of content creator @jaguarsniperkicau272, because the Kuau Raja evacuation was carried out under inappropriate procedures, namely by setting snares. According to Heri, the protected animals, if they want to be moved, should not use a snare trap, but a cage. Catching with snares would actually endanger the king'sAU bird. "After I watched this, it was quite scary, especially if the snare was hit in the neck, it could be fatal, not to mention that if it was late, the rescue could be prey to predators," he said. The action of moving the Kuau Raja, continued Heri, violates the rules and has the potential to be subject to Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems because they catch protected animals and do not have a permit to move them. "If it is deemed necessary to transfer, you must contact the BKSDA for the handling process, if the BKSDA cannot, then ask permission to evacuate because transporting protected animals violates Law No. 5 of 1990," said Heri. Meanwhile, content creator @jaguarsniperkicau named Balia, said he wrote Kuau Raja went extinct on the video's face because a tiktokers statement that said Kuau Raja was extinct. "I don't think conservation agencies say they are extinct, they are only threatened, but there is one tiktoker who says that this bird is extinct," said Balia. Balia also said that she did not apply for permission to move the protected wildlife because of procedural ignorance.
"I don't know where I have to report and I don't think my actions violate because I just want animals and birds to stay sustainable," said Balia.

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