
JAKARTA - Perumda PAM Jaya has begun to build an Pesanggrahan Water Processing Installation (IPA) in Cilandak District, Central Jakarta. The IPA development is budgeted for from regional capital participation (PMD) sourced by the DKI Regional Budget of Rp. 200 billion. Acting (Pj) DKI Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono said, while operating, the Pesanggrahan IPA can serve the public's clean water needs in 10 urban villages in South Jakarta. "So there are 10 urban villages that can get guaranteed clean water quality. He said, Mr. President Director, "(Development completed) 1.5 years. The budget from there is DKI, there are Rp 200 billion," said Heru on Jalan Cirendeu Permai Raya, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Friday, November 3. Service area IPA Pesanggrahan covering 10 urban villages namely Srengseng Village, Cipulir Village, Pesanggrahan Village, Bintaro Village, North Petukangan Village, South Petukangan Village, Ulujami Village, North Meruya Village, South Meruya Village, and Joglo Village. Continue, President Director Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin said the construction of the Pesanggrahan IPA was a BUMD step to complete the DKI Provincial Government target of 100 percent of piped water services by 2030. Considering that as of August 2023, the coverage of piped water from PAM Jaya has only reached 65.85 percent. In order to increase the security of piped drinking water in Jakarta, PAM Jaya, which has a mandate from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to accelerate 100 percent drinking water service in Jakarta, has taken the initiative to "Utilizing the water source in Jakarta as raw water for drinking water," explained Arief. Water source to be processed at the Pesanggrahan IPA utilizes raw water from the Pesanggrahan River in the Cirendeu area, East Ciputat, South Tangerang. "With this IPA, it will expand the coverage of drinking water services in DKI Jakarta. Later it will also become an IPA that will utilize raw water from the Pesanggrahan River," said Arief. Arief targets, the Pesanggrahan IPA will be built for 18 months and will finished in 2025.

The work to be carried out in this project includes EPC Construction (engineering, procurement, construction) of raw water wiretapping (Intake) buildings, nail water transmission pipes, and IPA with a capacity of 750 liters of water per second. This project is one of the innovations carried out by PAM Jaya which will produce drinking-worthy water for 24 hours a day to the meter of customers. We also invite all residents both in DKI and Tangsel to play an active hand in hand to oversee the smooth development of the Pesanggrahan IPA," explained Arief.

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