
JAKARTA - Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Saldi Isra was questioned by the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) for about an hour.

As reported by ANTARA, Saldi left building II MK, Jakarta, at 16.32 WIB, after previously arriving at 15.25 WIB, Wednesday, November 1.

He did not respond much to journalists' questions.

"I'll ask the MKMK members later. Later, if I answer here, it's different from what was conveyed inside, it's a hassle," said Saldi.

Saldi also did not respond when asked about dissenting opinions or differences of opinion reported by the public to the Constitutional Court regarding him.

Saldi Isra was examined behind closed doors regarding public reports on Case Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning the requirements for presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates.

Previously, the Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) Jimly Asshiddiqie said that there were ten problems related to the Constitutional Court that had been reported to the Constitutional Court during the trial of the reporter's examination.

One of them, the Constitutional Court judge was reported for revealing dissenting opinion or dissent related to the substance of the matter of the case being examined.

The public also reported that the Constitutional Court judge did not resign in cases related to his family members.

The Constitutional Court judge was also reported for speaking in public regarding the substance of the matter in the case being examined.

Saldi Isra is in the spotlight after reading his different opinion in the decision regarding the age limit of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Judge Saldi Isra is really confused. The position of the Constitutional Court regarding the age limit lawsuit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates can change in an instant. The Constitutional Court ultimately decided that regional heads could run in the presidential election, not only candidates who were at least 40 years old, which was originally regulated by the Election Law.

"Since stepping foot as a Constitutional Justice in this Court building on April 11, 2017, or about six and a half years ago, this is the first time I have experienced an 'extraordinary''strange' event and can be said to be far from reasonable reasoning limits: The Court has changed its stance and attitude only in a secular manner," said Saldi Isra in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court building reading a dissenting opinion on Monday, October 16.

Saldi Isra emphasized that this decision was inconsistent with a number of previous decisions rejected by the Constitutional Court this afternoon. Among them are case number 29/PUU-XXI/2023 submitted by PSI by asking for the minimum age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be reduced to 35 years.

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