Drug Runs Out, Man Experiences Mental Disorder Jumping From 3rd Floor Police Hospital When Delivered By Family
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JAKARTA - A man with a mental disorder with the initials LM (28) was desperate to jump free from the 3rd floor of the car park at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

The victim was desperate to drop his body from a height of 6 meters. The perpetrator's action was caught on CCTV cameras at the scene.

The head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto, said the incident occurred during the day. Initially there were patients who controlled at the Mental Clinic Poli, he was escorted by his family.

"He has a history of mental disorders, because the drug has run out of control (at the Police Hospital)," said Brigadier General Hariyanto, Sunday, October 29.

The victim suddenly said goodbye to the family who brought him to the Police Hospital. The reason the victim left. But suddenly, the victim was recorded hanging on the parking fence on the 3rd floor as high as 6 meters.

"He fell down, helped by parking attendants to be taken to the Emergency Room (IGD). He suffered a wound on his thigh," he said.

Until now, LM is still undergoing intensive care after falling from the 3rd floor of the car park. I don't know what the motive for LM jumped from the 3rd floor.

"Currently, the focus is on treating the impact of falling, after that the psychiatrist can dig up information, at this time (information) has not been investigated," he said.

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