JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman admitted that he had sent a letter of application to the KPK asking a number of employees to have offices at the Ministry of Agriculture. The goal is to reactivate agricultural development supervision.
"God willing, I asked for the process of the letter. God willing, we ask with respect. Because our goals are the same. The KPK aims are good, we carry out the law as straight as possible. Of course we do," Amran said when met by reporters at the Ministry of Agriculture office, Jakarta, Antara, Friday, October 27.
Amran did not specify when KPK employees would be based in the Ministry of Agriculture. However, Amran hopes that the anti-corruption agency can respond quickly to the Ministry of Agriculture's request.
"The sooner the better and the better," he said.
The Ministry of Agriculture invited the Deputy for Prevention of the KPK Pahala Nainggolan to attend a leadership meeting (rapid) at the Ministry of Agriculture's office on Friday.
However, Amran added, Pahala was unable to fulfill the rapid invitation this time. The Ministry of Agriculture has also rescheduled a meeting with the KPK which is planned to take place next week.
Amran emphasized that he would carry out his duties in accordance with the oath of office he said before President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Amran believes that he can bring the image of the Ministry of Agriculture to a better place after the onslaught of corruption issues that occurred within the agency.
"No one can play games, follow my oath, yesterday it was sworn in by the President. In carrying out his duties, positions, he must uphold the ethics of his position and carry out the law as straight as possible for the sake of his service to the nation and state," said Amran.
On Wednesday, October 25, President Jokowi inaugurated Amran as Minister of Agriculture replacing Syahrul Yasin Limpo who stumbled upon a suspected corruption case. Previously, Amran had also held the position of Minister of Agriculture during President Jokowi's administration in the 2014-2019 period.
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