
JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo kept laughing. Guyonan Inayah Wahid, Butet Kertaradjasa, Cak Lontong, Akbar, Marwoto and other artists on stage at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Saturday, October 21, made the presidential candidate who was promoted by PDIP banned.

Yes, Ganjar came to an art show that was specially created to celebrate Sawung Jabo's work. In accordance with the theme, Candidate Opponents raise stories about the issue of politics in the country which is currently hot.

A number of issues were discussed in the story satirically and satepo. Starting from the change of candidates for deputy leaders, the struggle for political parties to the provision of red carpets for the children of the leadership.

But often, Inayah Wahid joked too much. He gave up several times and made other players scared. For example, when Akbar asked Inayah to be his representative. Inayah refused and said he was not old enough.

"Don't me, I'm not old enough and I don't have an uncle," Inayah said to the applause of the participants, including Ganjar.

Including when Inayah showed her father's book. The book is the original book of the Bersarung Knight College. According to him, the book has been stolen by other people who founded the Bebal Nephew's college.

"You don't have to ask me to increase the name of the school," he said, making the attendance look down.

Not only jokes, there were many moral messages conveyed in the show. For example, when Butet Kartaredjasa conveyed a special message to the leaders not to be complacent with power.

"Our enemy is someone who wants to rule without limits by engineering everything. That's what we have to fight," he said.

After the event, Butet, who saw Ganjar watching, immediately called him on stage. He was asked to take pictures with the existing players and crew, including Sawung Jabo.

"I am very happy to be able to meet all of my artist friends. Many of them are from Jogja and his jokes are funny. It's funny, it's sarcastic but full of meaning," he said.

Ganjar said he really enjoyed the performance initiated by Butet Kartaredjasa. The music is good, the artists look cool and everyone is entertained.

"It's just that I laugh and laugh. The joke is high class, we have to think hard to see the storyline. This show is always interesting and eagerly awaited," he said.

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