
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono invite the entire community to maintain and create the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Election so that it can run safely and peacefully. In their working visit to Malang City, East Java, Sigit said that the 2024 Election Peace Declaration held by a number of elements of society was a form of agreement in maintaining a safe and peaceful situation ahead and during the 2024 Simultaneous Election. "I hope this peace declaration can be an example that is being inflamed in all regions. If this is carried out in all places, the Election (2024) can run smoothly, safely and peacefully," said Sigit, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 21.

He explained that differences of opinion are part of democracy, but this should not threaten the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. Differences in opinion, added Listyo, are part of the implementation of democracy in Indonesia. According to him, the peace declaration that this time was held in Malang City, if continues to be called out from various regions in Indonesia, being able to oversee the implementation of the 2024 General Election was safe, smooth, and peaceful. "If this can be carried out, both by voters and voters, who have the same spirit to keep elections running peacefully. Although different choices, of course, it will not have an impact on unity and integrity," said Listyo. Yudo Margono invites all ranks of the TNI and Polri throughout the region to jointly carry out a peaceful commitment in the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Election. Yudo emphasized that the importance of neutrality of the TNI and Polri in elections is the key to the success of a peaceful election. Commitment to peaceful elections, he added, is expected to be able to present a cool democratic party. "We convey that the TNI and Polri must be neutral in the 2024 election. This is the main key for us to be able to carry out or keep this election running well," said Yudo.

The reading of the pledge of the Peaceful Election at Rampal Square, Malang City, Saturday, was attended by various representatives, such as from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), the Muhammadiyah Regional Management (PW), the Nahdlatul Ulama PW, as well as other community organizations (ormas). Peaceful Election Icrats contain a commitment to support and assist the ranks of the TNI and Polri in maintaining security and the success of a safe and fair 2024 General Election, as well as maintaining unity and integrity within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Then, the pledge also rejects all forms of provocation that can divide brotherhood and disrupt the course of the democratic party, as well as jointly ward off hoax news and hate speech that can disrupt the course of the 2024 Election. The declaration is expected to be an important milestone in maintaining stability and peace during the 2024 General Election. Thus, Indonesia can continue to advance towards the vision of Indonesia Gold2045 with full unity and unity.

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