
JAKARTA - Today, exactly four years into the second term of President Joko Widodo's leadership and Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin. In their four years of government, Indonesia has experienced tremendous growth, and has successfully passed various challenges, including the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, emphasized that Indonesia has not only survived during the pandemic, but has also achieved significant progress and development.

"During a pandemic, we not only win, but also make leaps of progress and development. Currently, Indonesia continues to grow and advance," said Moeldoko, Friday, October 20.

Moeldoko said one of the indicators of the success of the Jokowi Ma'ruf government, strong economic growth, reaching 5.3%. This growth, he said, was supported by strong export performance and a stable domestic economy.

"In the fiscal sector, we have also succeeded in restoring the budget deficit below three percent quickly (in 2022)," he said.

Still, said Moeldoko, Indonesia has also made a leap in increasing the value of mining exports through downstream policy. He gave an example of downstream nickel and goods from him that experienced a surge from USD 0.65 million in 2017 to USD 5.94 million.

Positive achievements also occurred in the investment sector. The 2013-2015 TNI Commander said the investment value exceeded the target set by the government, reaching IDR 1,207 trillion.

"This is because we have transformed investment governance by simplifying regulations, bureaucratic reform, and logistics efficiency," he explained.

Not only that, continued Moeldoko, the government is also carrying out a commitment to equalize development throughout Indonesia, by adhering to the principles of Indonesia-Sentris development. Village development is also boosted so that the number of underdeveloped villages continues to decline.

"The decline is very significant, from 17,626 villages to 6,749 villages," explained the 2013-2015 TNI Commander.

As for job creation, the Presidential Chief of Staff, said that the government continues to improve the investment climate, and develop vocational education and training programs to produce superior workers.

Meanwhile, in the global arena, explained Moeldoko, Indonesia has again become a major player in world diplomacy. Indonesia's diplomatic influence index soared, even surpassing Singapore.

"Indonesia's diplomatic ability in the midst of a complex world situation has been recognized as a contributor to global peace," he said.

On that occasion, Moeldoko ensured that the four years of leadership of the President, Jokowi and Vice President, KH. Ma'ruf Amin, had had a significant positive impact on Indonesia.

In this period, this country not only survives, but also grows and progresses in various sectors, as well as creates a strong foundation for a brighter future.

"These various achievements provide us with optimism that the ideals towards Golden Indonesia can be achieved," concluded Moeldoko.

For information, the 2023 Government Performance Achievement will be recorded, and officially launched on Tuesday, at the Indonesia Kempinski hotel, Jakarta. The book launch will be attended by Moeldoko, Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi.

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