
BANDA ACEH - The public prosecutor of the South Aceh District Attorney's Office (Kejari) executed the caning of five convicts of violations of Islamic law based on the decision of the local sharia court.

The caning was carried out at the Office of the Civil Service Police Unit and Wilayatul Hisbah, South Aceh Regency in Tapaktuan, Wednesday. The execution of the whip took place in public.

The head of the South Aceh District Attorney's Office, Heru Anggoro, the convicts, were convicted of rape, adultery, and gambling. The convicts were lashed around 35 to 190 times.

"The caning sentence is the implementation of the decision of the Tapaktuan Syar'iyah Court. The convicts were convicted of violating Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning the law of jinayat," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.

The convicts were caned, namely Zulkifli and Riski, 35 times each. Both were convicted of committing maliring or gambling as regulated in Article 20 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014.

Then, the convict on behalf of Sukirman, was lashed 190 times. Sukirman was convicted of committing rape as regulated in Article 50 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014.

"The convict Sukirman was sentenced to 190 lashes and has served 120 times, so the remaining sentence served today is 70 times. However, the convict is serving 35 times the day and the remaining sentence is only 35 lashes again," he said.

Next, the convict Firmansyah was found guilty of adultery and violated Article 34 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014. The convict Firmansyah was sentenced to 100 lashes and was only served 40 times, resulting in the remaining 60 lashes.

As well as the convict Irham was found guilty of rape as regulated in Article 48 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014. Irham was sentenced to 158 lashes and the sentence was completed.

"Of the five convicts, three of them have finished serving the caning. Meanwhile, the other two will continue the execution of the sentence at the next stage. Including the convict on behalf of Rusfiandi who cannot be sentenced to caning due to illness," said Heru Anggoro.

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