
JAKARTA - Commission VII of the DPR hopes that the Government's program through the Ministry of Energy, Mineral Resources (ESDM), which will distribute the use of electrical-based cooking utensils (AML) or rice cookers, is in line with energy transition efforts. The distribution of free rice cookers is considered to have to be accompanied by other programs so that its achievements are more effective.

"Some problems need to be solved so that this program runs effectively and can be felt by the community. The government needs to consider the needs and diversity of characteristics of beneficiaries so that the program becomes effective," said Deputy Chairman of Komis VII DPR RI, Eddy Soeparno, Wednesday, October 18.

As is known, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will distribute 500 thousand rice cookers to the public in the near future. The program is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 11 of 2023 concerning the Provision of Electrically-Based Cooking Equipment for Households.

The purpose of distributing free rice cookers is to save around 29 million kilograms (kg) of LPG or the equivalent of 9.7 million 3 kg of tubes. The program is also expected to reduce the cooking cost of some residents who previously used LPG.

This step was also taken as an effort to suppress imports of LPG or Liquefied Petroleum Gas which is getting higher every year. Eddy assessed that the free rice cooker distribution program will also encourage optimization of electricity supply considering that there is an excess in electricity supply in the country.

This program can encourage energy independence and help consume more evenly. Because at this time we are still oversupply around 6.5 GW," he said.

Based on data from PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), there was an excess electricity supply of 7 gigawatts (GW) until the end of 2022. On the island of Java itself, excess electricity supply was caused by electricity demand last year only in the range of 1.2 GW to 1.3 GW far from what has been provided.

Apart from this, Eddy encouraged the distribution of free rice cookers to also be the government's step in supporting energy transition efforts. Moreover, the Government is currently making a new General Plan for the Provision of Electricity (RUPTL) which does not rely on coal.

Indonesia has green economy targets. It is better that the programs issued by the Government must also support these efforts," he explained.

"For example, in order to distribute this rice cooker in line with the energy transition program, the use of electricity supply must utilize new renewable energy plants (EBT) such as the hydroelectric power plant (PLTA) system, or utilize solar and wind potential," continued Eddy.

That way, the Commission in the DPR, which focuses on energy matters, hopes that every government program can support energy transition steps as an effort to reduce the impact of climate change. Eddy reminded that the energy transition step, which is the world's agenda, must receive support from all parties.

"The more policies that support renewable energy, including optimizing the target of providing electricity supply, we hope to reduce the impact of climate change," said the legislator from the West Java III electoral district.

The free rice cooker program itself is intended for households with small electric power. Commission VIII DPR hopes that the Government will really carry out strict supervision in the distribution process for the distribution of aid so that the beneficiary community group is the rightful party.

"It must be remembered that only people who have been included in the category of LPG subsidy recipients are entitled to receive the free rice cooker distribution program," said Eddy.

"What needs to be ensured is data collection on recipients, so that there is no paradigm change in the community regarding this free rice cooker program," he continued.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets the households receiving the rice cooker to be PLN or PLN Batam customers with 450 VA to 1,300 VAs domiciled in the area with 24-hour electricity available.

For this reason, Eddy asked the Government to ensure that electricity infrastructure for the community can support the existence of a free rice cooker program. Especially infrastructure in the regions.

"This program is not suitable for people whose areas are still having difficulty supplying electricity. Meanwhile, in big cities, the average community already uses a rice cooker. So it must be considered the accuracy of the beneficiaries," said Eddy.

He added that the Government must create programs that can be absorbed by all people. That way, said Eddy, the budget allocated for the welfare of the people can be used according to their needs.

"The program launched by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has great potential to reduce LPG consumption. However, its success depends on how this program is implemented and adapted to the needs of the community as a whole," he explained.

"There is also a need for supporting programs such as the provision of equitable electricity infrastructure in all regions to support the program so that it is efficient and can be used by all beneficiaries," added Eddy.

Eddy also asked that every program made by the Government through ministries and institutions can be well socialized to the public so that the public can understand the benefits of the programs provided.

"With a better understanding of various problems and with the active involvement of all related parties, the programs made by the Government can be a positive step towards using more efficient and sustainable energy in Indonesia," he concluded.

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