JAKARTA - The school ensures that the distance learning process (PJJ) at SMPN 132 Cengkareng only applies on Tuesday, October 10. Meanwhile, the classroom IX.G where teaching and learning are students with the initials DR (16) jumped into the window with a police line still attached.
"Today we are PJJ, so our fellow teachers have carried out the task from half past 7 am to 2 pm," said Deputy for Student Affairs at SMPN 132 Cengkareng, Endang Sukesi to VOI at the location, Tuesday, October 10.
After the incident of a 3rd grade SMPN student who was found dead falling, the school only imposed PJJ for 1 day.
"Just point out to this day, tomorrow study activities as usual, normal," she said.
Previously, it was reported that the atmosphere of the SMPN 132 SSN school building on Jalan Tawangmangu, RT 02/06, Kedaung Kaliangke Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta looked quiet and deserted on Tuesday, October 10.
There was no teaching and learning activity at this school after the incident of a 3rd grade junior high school student with the initials D (16) who fell from the 4th floor of the school building.
The DKI Jakarta Education Office also ensured that the teaching and learning process at SMPN 132 Cengkareng, West Jakarta was temporarily suspended.
"Today, distance learning (PJJ) is being carried out," said Head of DKI Jakarta Education Office Purwosusilo, Tuesday, October 10.
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