KUPANG - The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) RI dismissed the member of the General Election Commission of Lembata Province of East Nusa Tenggara Petrus Payong Pati for being proven to be involved in an affair scandal. The dismissal of members of the Lembata Regency KPU as written statements from the Secretary of the DKPP RI David Yama received in Kupang, Tuesday 10 October, was carried out in a trial reading of four cases in the DKPP Court Room, Jakarta, Monday 9 October led by the Chairman of the Council of Heddy Lugito. The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) imposed a permanent dismissal sanction on members of the Lembata Regency KPU Petir Payong Pati as a defendant in case number 101-PKE-DKPP/VIII/2023. Imposing a fixed dismissal sanction on Petrus Payong Pati as a member of the Lembata Regency KPU as a member since this decision was read out,'' said Heddy Lugito Council.'s decision was confirmed by the statement of two witnesses who committed Petrus Payong Pati's affair with Monika Martha Ose (case participant Number 101-PKE-DKPP/VIII/2023) was established since 2016 and at that time Petong Pati served as Chair of the Lembata Regency KPU. The affair was convincingly proven by a number of photos of the two at the complainant index and a number of hotels in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and Larantuka throughout 2016 to 2022. This is corroborated by the statements of two witnesses who explained the truth of Petrus Payong Pati's relationship with Monika Martha Ose as well as the conversation they had in the form of a WhatsApp chat scene,' said member of the Ratna Council Dewi Pettalolo read out the consideration of the case decision Number 101-PKE-DKPP/VIII/2023. In the examination hearing, Petrus Payong Pati with Monika Martha Ose admitted that he had several times carried out his wife's husband relationship outside the marriage, even though Petrus Payong Pati was still bound in a legal marriage.
"Based on the evidence in the trial, Petrus Payong Pati was proven to have violated Article 3, Article 6 Paragraph 3, Article 7 Paragraph 1, and Article 15 letters a and g of DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Election Organizers.," he said.
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