
JAMBI Batanghari Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) revealed that awareness began to grow from jungle people or the Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD) to have an electronic identity card (e-KTP) and a family card (KK).

"In the last few months, SAD residents have lived in the forest in Batanghari Regency, starting to have an awareness of wanting to have an e-KTP, a family card and other identity cards. This they do to be able to get health protection facilities or BPJS Health," said Acting Head of the Batanghari Regency Dukcapil Office Reflizer, in Muara Bulian, Jambi, Friday, October 6, confiscated by Antara.

He said that SAD residents are now continuing to record e-KTPs and other electronic cards when a team from the local Disdukcapil visited their location of farming or living in a forest area in Batanghari Regency.

Reflizer said the current data was recorded at around 550 population documents consisting of 231 e-KTP documents, 169 KK documents, 121 birth certificate documents and 29 child identity cards (KIA) provided to the people of SAD.

"If you look at the data, it is concluded that SAD residents are starting to become aware of participating in making population documents because this is also important for them in requiring health services or being registered with BPJS Kesehatan," said Reflizer.

The Dukcapil Office of Batanghari Regency continues to record and print population identity documents for the people of SAD because this population identity document is the right of the Indonesian people, including SAD who lives in the interior of the forest in Jambi Province.

To guarantee the ownership of SAD community population documents, he said, his party went directly to villages in Batin XXIV and Maro Sebo Ulu sub-districts to record the recording of the identity documents and now the SAD community is aware of the importance of having population documents.

According to him, the SAD community in some of these villages are quite enthusiastic about recording and printing population documents, where Disdukcapil always coordinates with villages that do not yet have a KK, KTP or KIA.

In recording and printing new population documents, said Reflizer, the Batanghari Dukcapil Service was only carried out in two sub-districts, namely Batin District 24, precisely in Jelutih Village, Olak Besar and Hajran and in Maro Sebo Ulu District, precisely in Padang Kelapo Village and Batu Sawar Village.

"We are also increasing the recording and printing of population documents for SAD people who have not been recorded or who do not have population documents," he concluded.

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