
YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Civil Service Corps, or Korpri for short, is an organization in Indonesia whose members consist of Civil Servants, employees of BUMN, BUMD and subsidiaries, and Village Government officials. However, Korpri is often associated with Civil Servants (PNS). Korpri's role and activities cannot be separated from official service. Do you know what Korpri's function is?

Korpri was founded on November 29 1971 based on Presidential Decree No. 82 of 1971, which is a forum for gathering all employees of the Republic of Indonesia. Throughout the New Order, Korpri was used as a tool of power to protect the government in power at that time.

But since the reform period, Korpri has changed into. a neutral organization, not taking sides with certain political parties. The Korpri organization has a management structure at the central level or at the Ministry, Non-Ministerial Government Institution or Regional Government level. Currently, Korpri's activities usually involve the welfare of its members, including establishing a number of profit and non-profit bodies/institutions.

KORPRI Feature

As a forum for employees of the Republic of Indonesia, the characteristics of KORPRI are stated in AD article 3, "KORPRI is a forum for bringing together all employees of the Republic of Indonesia in order to increase struggle, dedication and loyalty to the ideals of the struggle of the nation and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution. The 1945 principles are democratic, independent, free, active, professional, neutral, productive and responsible."

KORPRI Fundamentals

In line with its nature, KORPRI's actions are based on Pancasila and are characterized by professionalism, devotion, partnership, kinship and mutual cooperation (AD, Article 5).

What is the Function of KORPRI

The function of an organization has the meaning of an efficient existence by and for its members and society by providing benefits in accordance with the ideals of the organization. For KORPRI, KORPRI's function has the meaning of being an organization of, by, and for its members (employees) and the Republic of Indonesia. Officially, KORPRI has the following functions (AD, Article 6):

1). The glue of national unity and integrity;

2). Pioneer in improving member welfare and professionalism;

3). Protector and guardian of members;

4). Distributor of member interests;

5). Encouragement to improve the socio-economic standard of living of the community and

the environment;

6). Pioneer of public service in making programs a success


7). Active partners in the formulation of relevant agency policies,

in accordance with the provisions of the statutory regulations


8). The originator of ideas, as well as a fighter for justice and prosperity of the nation.

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