7 Indomaret Robbers In Tangerang Successfully Arrested
Seven Indomaret robbers Panongan Tangerang were arrested/ Photo: IST


TANGERANG - Police arrested seven perpetrators suspected of robbery in Indomaret, Mekar Jaya, Panongan, Tangerang Regency on Tuesday, September 26, at 22.15 WIB.

Tangerang Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Indra Mardiana explained that the robbery was carried out by seven people, N (26), R (26), G alias Sangkut (22), AF (26), A (21), AR (18) and JA (26).

Indra said the incident began when Indomaret employees intended to close their shop. However, suddenly one perpetrator came pretending to take money from an automated teller machine (ATM).

Not long after, three other perpetrators entered Indomaret. He immediately pointed a firearm, which scared the employees.

"They threatened employees to hand over the money at the safe cashier, and take the vehicle from the employee," said Indra to reporters, Friday, September 29.

After that, the other perpetrators took the employee's motorbike. Then they left the scene by taking Rp10.6 million in cash, 21 packs of cigarettes and one employee's motorbike.

"After conducting an investigation, 7 perpetrators were arrested and 2 are still on the wanted list (DPO)," he said.

Indra said that in their action they divided their roles and started looking for targets and pretended to be visitors.

Pretending to be good as a buyer, or seeing the existing facilities in Indomaret. Some are just guests. Some are outside the location," he said.

The perpetrators have been named as suspects, they were charged with Article 365 Paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Criminal Code and Emergency Law No. 11 of 1951 Article 1 Paragraph 1 regarding the Ownership of Firearms with a Maximum Sentence of 12 Years in Prison.

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