
West Sumbawa Resort Police (Polres) has arrested three children who carried out their actions by inviting the victim to watch YouTube.

West Sumbawa Police Chief AKBP Yasmara Harahap said the detention of the suspect with the initials H was part of the investigator's efforts so that the person concerned would not repeat the criminal act.

"So, from the results of the case title, today the investigator detained the person concerned (the suspect) taking into account the subjective requirements for detention," Yasmara said by telephone, Tuesday, September 26, as quoted by Antara.

In addition to preventing the suspect from repeating the crime, he explained, other subjective reasons for detention were related to the police's efforts to prevent the suspect from escaping and eliminate evidence.

Furthermore, Yasmara said that investigators are currently working on the case file belonging to the suspect with the initials H to be completed so that he can immediately enter the delegation stage to the research prosecutor.

He said that investigators named H as a suspect based on evidence. In addition to the confession of the victim who is still a child, there is also evidence in the form of hospital post-mortem results.

Yasmara said that his party handled a case of alleged pedophilia starting with a report from one of the victim's parents.

In the process of collecting evidence, it was revealed that the suspect committed the depraved act by inviting the three victims to watch YouTube at his home.

"At that time, the three victims were playing in front of the suspect's house. The suspect took the opportunity by inviting the three victims to play at his house to watch YouTube," said Yasmara.

The victim, who was tempted by the offer, immediately entered the suspect's house. The three of them were led by the suspect into the room. While in the room, the suspect carried out his depraved act.

"After launching the action, each victim was given Rp5,000 and asked not to tell anyone," he said.

It was also revealed that the suspect was not the only one to commit acts against the three victims. According to the victim's confession, the suspect has done it four times.

With the construction of such a case, investigators named H as a suspect suspected of violating Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) and paragraph (5) jo. Article 76E jo. Article 82 paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law no. 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection jo. Article 6 letter c of Law no. 12 of 2002 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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