TANGERANG The police have named 3 of the 7 perpetrators of the riots in Kutabumi Market, Tangerang Regency, while 4 other perpetrators are still witnesses. However, the police are still investigating this case.
Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Pol Sigit Dany revealed that apart from arresting the perpetrators, his party also found evidence in the form of letters containing declarations of community organizations (ormas) from various groups.
Information from the police, the organizations are BPPKB, PPBNI, VICAM Warrior Banten, Pemuda Pancasila, Representative of Eastern Indonesia Bersatu, and LAPBAS.
"The relationship between these mass organizations claims to form an alliance association that was reported by the Banten People's Market Care Alliance," Sigit told reporters at the Tangerang Police, Tuesday, September 26.
He emphasized that he would summon the names written in the declaration of the mass organization. The goal is to find out the motive for the attack and looting of traders at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.
"We will conduct further investigation regarding the linkage of this letter," he said.
Dozens of kiosks belonging to traders in Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, were damaged by a group of suspected thugs.
The destruction of the market kiosk occurred at around 13.00 WIB by a number of unknown people using objects such as stones to blocks. Not only destroying kiosks.
The perpetrators carried out the persecution, looted a number of items belonging to traders. The thugs also carried out kidnappings and confinement of three traders at Kutabumi Market.
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