
Pekalongan City Police, Central Java, arrested a suspect with the initials TNK (31) on suspicion of embezzling company money worth IDR 900 million over the past 2 years.

Pekalongan City Police Chief AKBP Albertus Recky Robertho said the suspect was a salesperson who worked at PT Bina Artha Ardi with the mode of making a fictitious note.

"The suspect was arrested by the police after the company reported a case of alleged embezzlement of money allegedly by the TNK," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.

The case was revealed that the company where the suspect worked was working was constrained by payments to PT Unilever Indonesia as a business partner, resulting in PT Bina Artha Ardi experiencing the receipt of goods from partner companies not in accordance with the agreement that had been made.

Due to this incident, he continued, the distribution of goods to shops was not smooth and the company suffered losses.

"As a salesperson, the suspect made a false report on the shipment of goods. For example, it should have been sent to store A, but the suspect actually sold it to another store," said the Police Chief accompanied by the Head of the Criminal Investigation and Unit AKP Sumaryono.

In an effort to trick the company where the suspect works, TNK by sending goods to the shop even though it is in small quantities.

"Based on the suspect's statement, the proceeds from the crime have run out for daily needs," he said.

The suspect will be subject to Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison.

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