
JAKARTA - A number of school land dispute events in several areas have resulted in disruption of the children's learning process. The government must quickly address these problems so as not to disturb children in school.

"The government must look for solutions from schools experiencing land disputes. It can go through mediation with land owners or heirs, or provide other places so that children can still study at school," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Friday, September 22.

One of the school land dispute cases that Puan highlighted was the polemic at the Lerpak 1 State Elementary School (SDN) in Bangkalan Regency, Madura, East Java. As a result of this land dispute, 128 students were forced to carry out learning activities in the tarpaulin-laden field.

Student learning activities had to be carried out outside the school building, because the building owned was not allowed to be occupied by the former local village head as the heir of the land. The building was sealed and prohibited from being a teaching and learning location.

The sad portrait of the world of education in Madura, according to Puan, must immediately find a solution. He also emphasized the importance of the role of local governments in providing temporary locations that are appropriate for Lerbak 1 elementary school students.

"Our children who are still enthusiastic about learning with limited places must be a concern of the Government. Do not let this incident continue, there must be concrete steps from the local government to find a temporary building," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture added that learning activities in open spaces not only affect the quality of student education. Puan said the situation could also have an impact on the physical and psychological well-being of children.

"Learning in open spaces or inadequate places can disrupt concentration and create additional burdens on students who should focus on learning," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

The sealing of school land also occurred at the State Vocational High School (SMK) 1 Kalianget, Sumenep. As a result, all students were forced to carry out online learning activities. The sealing is suspected to be due to the Sumenep Regency Government not paying compensation for the land.

With so many problems related to land disputes due to unpaid compensation for school land by the local government, Puan assessed that there was a need to change the mechanism in terms of the education budget. Because according to him, delays in payment of school land have affected the teaching and learning process.

"Don't just because of late payments or repayments, our children are disturbed by learning. This is an ideal condition and it is very important that local governments immediately take steps to solve this problem," said Puan.

Puan reminded that education is the best investment that can be given to the nation's future successors. Therefore, the Government must have a commitment to fulfill children's rights in obtaining education without any obstacles.

"We hope that with a swift action from the Government, the problem of disrupting the teaching and learning process, whatever it takes, will be quickly resolved. The state is obliged to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment," said Bung Karno's grandson.

"The central government must also take part in guarding, or even being involved in solving various school land disputes that harm children as the future generation of the Indonesian nation," concluded Puan.

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