
JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas revealed that the 2023 State Civil Apparatus Bill (RUU ASN) will focus on resolving honorary and equitable ASN in the regions.

"Yes, so, in this ASN Bill, one of which is to encourage schemes related to honorary settlement, but the most important thing is to anticipate the distribution of ASN in 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost) areas and islands that have not been fairly well distributed by ASN so far," Anas said when interviewed in Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 21, quoted by Antara.

He said it was very difficult to get quality health workers, doctors and teachers to be placed in the 3T area.

In 2022, there will be 170,000 ASN formations that are not filled in these areas due to the lack of interest in ASN candidates to fill formations in 3T areas.

"For example, in Maluku, Papua, NTT, it is difficult to get great health workers (health workers) doctors and teachers, who are of quality. Yesterday there were approximately 170 thousand formations in these areas empty. Why? Because they did not feel interested in filling the formation in the 3T area earlier. Yes, if this is the case, there will continue to be inequality between Jakarta, Java and cities," continued Anas.

Regarding this, the PAN-RB Ministry through the ASN Bill will provide solutions by offering special rewards for ASN who want to serve in 3T areas, namely the increase in positions faster than the areas on the island of Java, especially Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi).

"In this law, we answer the solution. One of them is related to rewards for the class of positions. So, if it used to be in Java, it would take four years to be promoted, later outside Java, especially in 3T (regions), they only need two years to be promoted or move up in class. his position, "said Anas.

Meanwhile, regarding the settlement of honorary fees, Anas revealed that he is still in the stage of developing the law.

"For November 28, the important thing is that we save them first. They can still work for the next year. While this law is running, we have issued a circular so that in 2024 all ministries/agencies continue to budget for non-ASN friends who work," explained Anas.

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