PAPUA - Residents of Amungi Village in North Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Papua Mountains Province, are fighting over bricks or working money in the village. But now, the parties at odds have reconciled.
The peace process was initiated by Mobile Task Force (Satgas) personnel Yonif Raider 300/Siliwangi.
Based on a press release quoted from Antara, the Commander of the Mobile Task Force Yonif Raider 300/Siliwangi Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Afri Swandi Ritonga said the dispute took place on Wednesday, September 20.
The situation heated up when a resident tried to attack the head of Amungi Village, Anis Badminton, who turned out to be motivated by a personal grudge between the two and actually their problems had been resolved traditionally.
The two families who had clashed had attacked each other using traditional weapons, such as machetes, stones, axes and arrows. Danpos Mayuber Letda Inf M. Yusuf ordered his subordinates Prada Cepi Sopandi to fire warning shots into the air once.
Pertikaian terus terjadi sehingga anggota kembali melepaskan tembakan peringatan dan mengamankan kepala kampung besar dan keluarga ke kantor kampung.
"Danpos Mayuberi then gave understanding to both of them about the importance of solving the problem without violence in order to create a safe environment for children to study at school," said Ritonga.
One of the local residents, Welenius Magi, expressed his gratitude for the assistance of soldiers from the Mobile Raider 300/Siliwangi Task Force who have provided suggestions and middle ground for the problem of distributing funds in the village.
"Once again, thank you to the soldiers, good luck in carrying out their duties," he said.
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