
BANDUNG - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java targets the construction of phase 1 of the regional waste processing and processing site (TPPAS) Lulut Nambo, Bogor Regency, to be completed and operational by the end of 2023.

According to Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin, if the construction of phase 1 of TPPAS Lulut Nambo at the end of 2023 is complete, at least about 50 tons of waste per day from Depok can be resolved.

"For Nambo phase 1, the capacity is 50 tons, and by the end of this year it can operate. For equipment, on November 1 there will be all. We'll see later, there is still a little process," said Bey Machmudin at the Sate building as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

Based on the existing plan, TPPAS Regional Lulut Nambo will convert waste into a reduction derivative fuel (RDF), which will later become a substitute for coal, where currently it has been agreed that the buyer will be from a cement company PT Indocement.

"The RDF is for cement (a cement company). It's still in process, it's running," he said.

Currently, the development of the first phase of TPPAS Lulut Nambo, which is located on an area of 55 hectares in Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency, has reached 87 percent.

If everything is finished, TPPAS Lulut Nambo will have a total capacity of 1,800-2,300 tons per day. Apart from Depok, later this facility will receive and process waste from Bogor Regency, Bogor City, and South Tangerang City.

Previously, Bey confirmed that after the first stage of the Lulut Nambo TPPAS was operational, the second phase of development would take place, and currently the second phase of the process is entering exploration with investors.

"Phase two is still under exploration with investors, yes, a total of two stages, but we will focus first on the operation of stage one. If it is running, going to stage two will be easier," said Bey.

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