JAKARTA - If nothing gets in the way of the National Halaqah event, the caretaker of the Islamic Boarding School which will be held at the Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School in Purwakarta, West Java on September 22-24, will be attended by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD and PBNU General Chair KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, National Police Chief, and others.
"For Mr. Mahfud MD, we have visited him, and he is willing to attend. Likewise with the General Chairperson of PB NU Yahya Cholil Staquf. Meanwhile, for other national figures, we are still waiting for confirmation of his presence," said Nyai Ifa Faizah, representing the committee from the Al-Muhajirin Purwakarta pesantren.
The Islamic Boarding School and Community Development Association (P3M) is an organization founded by pesantren leaders and social activists to develop Islamic thought and empower the pesantren community in Indonesia.
"To respond to the issue of Islamic boarding schools and contemporary socio-political conditions, we will hold a National Halaqah for Islamic Boarding School Caretakers at the Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School in Purwakarta, West Java on September 22-24, which will be attended by around 1,000 pesantren caregivers from various regions throughout Indonesia," he said.
The national halaqah will discuss issues related to pesantren independence, including Islamic boarding school business incubation and tax justice for pesantren. In addition, halaqah will also discuss national issues, including: kyai political ethics, religious-based violence prevention strategies, neutrality of organizers and officials in elections, national stability, and the development of national insight through the pesantren curriculum," added Nyai Ifa Faizah.
In the midst of the incessant government's invitation to the public to comply with paying taxes, one controversial issue arose, namely the Tax-Holiday policy or tax exemption for foreign investors in a number of strategic sectors, including IKN financing. The legal basis for Tax-Holiday in Indonesia is Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment, PMK Number 130 of 2011 concerning Providing Incentives or Reduction of Income Taxes, and PMK No. 130 of 2020 concerning the Provision of Agency Income Tax Reduction Facilities.
Through this policy, the Government is adamant, this Tax-Holiday policy is able to boost investment and absorb jobs for the welfare of the people. However, many experts actually question the effectiveness of Tax-Holiday in creating jobs and improving people's welfare. Why is that? Because often this fiscal incentive is actually used by foreign companies to minimize tax payments in Indonesia. This tax-Holiday practice clearly has the potential to harm state revenues, on the one hand.
"On the other hand, the question arises, why is the government so aggressively providing incentives in the form of Tax-Holiday to foreign investors, while educational institutions such as Islamic boarding schools and madrasas that historically have a big role in educating the life of the nation and state, are even asked to pay taxes? Isn't it appropriate for the state to provide similar incentives to pesantren to be more independent and competitive in empowering the community?," said Sarmidi Husna as Director of P3M. Currently, many pesantren are asked to pay income taxes (PPH) as well as land and building taxes (PBB) related to assets and commercial activities. run.
Of course, this policy has drawn protests from many circles. "The reason is, so far pesantren are known as non-profit institutions that are the pillars of Indonesian Islamic education. Thousands of pesantren are scattered in remote parts of the archipelago to become a moral bulwark with a big role in educating the nation's sons and daughters. The state should provide similar incentives so that pesantren can be independent and continue to contribute to developing the country through education. Especially considering the vital role of pesantren as the center for developing moderation values, tolerance and love for the homeland," added Sarmidi Husna.
On the other hand, the 2024 election will soon be held. As the oldest Islamic institution in Indonesia, pesantren has a significant influence in society. In the upcoming Elections, caregivers and kyai need to prioritize figures as role models of awareness in political ethics to prevent politicization of religion, identity politics and hate speech that could potentially trigger social conflict. The experience of political practice of identity and politicization of religion in the previous elections is very dangerous, because it can divide religious and inter-group harmony. Islamic boarding schools as centers for the development of values of tolerance and local wisdom are required to display polite, wise and humanist political ethics.
Islamic boarding schools are a very strong social-religious base in Indonesian society. Kharisma and kyai authorities are still respected by most Indonesian Muslims. Therefore, kyai support for certain candidates or parties is often utilized in elections. However, kyai's imparity is important to maintain the credibility and authority of pesantren itself. Why is that? The reason is, Indonesia is facing a sharp threat of polarization and primordialism. Identity politics, religious politicization and hate speech are increasing sharply in social media,' added Sarmidi Husna. This is where pesantren and kyai can play a role as moderate forces that suppress conflicts and prioritize national unity. The neutral attitude of kyai will strengthen healthy democracy that is tolerant of differences.
Through a religious and national approach, the kyai are expected to reduce the potential for social conflict and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia ahead and after the 2024 General Election," added Sarmidi Husna. Thus, pesantren can play a vital role in maintaining national stability in the midst of increasingly heated political turmoil.
Therefore, it is time for the government to review tax policies to be more of a social justice. As a form of affirmation, incentives such as Tax-Holiday should be given to small business actors and strategic institutions such as pesantren, not only to foreign corporations," he added.
Likewise, Pesantren and kyai need to prioritize noble political ethics in order to realize a healthy democracy and prosper the people. With tax policies and fair and wise political ethics, Indonesia can realize the ideals of becoming a nation that is advanced, independent and prosperous," concluded Sarmidi Husna.
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