
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds regional heads to guarantee that children get their rights, especially from underprivileged families. The assistance they should have received should not be made a bancakan. Corruption in the handling of malnourished children please pay attention to regional heads. Don't let the budget for stunting be corrupted," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata in a written statement, Friday, September 15. Alexander said corruption that led to reduced budget for malnutrition will have a long impact. We must make sure our children grow healthy and the budget must be there to help children grow well,'' he stressed. In addition, Alex also mentioned corruption in the field of education, health, to community burial services when they die. He said, the KPK has budget data in these three sectors that officials often corrupt. However, prevention of corruption in these three sectors must also be supported by the community. One way, continued Alexander, does not manipulate data to enter public schools.

"We have to be firm, we can't let cheating start from the world of education. (Because, red) education must be the beginning of the formation of a culture of corruption," he said. "We really emphasize in the context of eradicating corruption, we encourage anti-corruption education," concluded Alexander.

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