
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) asked former terrorism (napiter) to be wise in responding to the diversity in Indonesia.

The statement was made by Sujatmiko during the "Silaturahim Bersama Mitra Deradicalisasi" event at Pondok Kekayuan, Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Wednesday, September 13. This activity was attended by 19 inmates who had returned to the midst of society.

"We have different thoughts in carrying out religion, something normal, but don't let it become hostility between us. Therefore, if there are differences of opinion, it is better to discuss it carefully because the different things are actually both seeking goodness, meaning that they are both seeking safety in the afterlife," said Head of BNPT Community Sub-Directorate Colonel Pas Sujatmiko in his statement, Thursday, September 14, confiscated by Antara.

A total of 19 inmates who came to the event location came from Bima City, Bima Regency; Dompu Regency; and West Sumbawa Regency.

He advised deradicalization partners to really stay away from the virus of radicalism. The reason is, it is the virus that makes them have to deal with the law and is not in accordance with the noble values of the Indonesian nation.

"We as citizens are aware of the radicalism virus that can damage the joints of the nation and a good state, such as anti-Pancasila, anti-NKRI, anti-binarity, adhere to legitimate Takfiri, violence, and anti-governmentalism," said Sujatmiko.

He emphasized to deradicalization partners not to let them maintain a legitimate anti-governmental attitude.

"The legitimate government means that it was established in accordance with the agreement of the entire Indonesian nation. Therefore, we need to respect it with good criticism," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Bima Muh City Kesbangpol Agency. Hasyim gave a short message to deradicalization partners. He asked all the nation's children to play an active role in maintaining the integrity and prosperity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

This activity presents speakers who are also deradicalization partners from Surabaya, East Java, Ustaz Saifudin Umar. In his presentation, Saifudin explained the unique views of Ibnu Taymiyayah regarding the jihad of tolerance written in his book entitled "Jihad Toleransi Ib Taymiyyah".

Saifudin revealed that Ibnu Taymiyyah had been to prison for almost seven times because of his thoughts and when Ibnu Taymiyayah was offered to retaliate for imprisoning the cleric who had imprisoned him, Ibnu Taymiyyah refused on the grounds that the cleric was still beneficial to the community.

"Uniquely, Ibnu Taymiyyah's thoughts are also used everywhere, liberal people use Ibnu Taymiyyah's thoughts, and even tough people use Ib Taymiyyah's thoughts, even though the fatwa Ibnu Taymiyayah is distorted by tough people," said Saifuddin.

He revealed that the five rules of Takfir Ibnu Taymiyyah, among others, should not facilitate the conversion, circumparating is that the demands of sharia are not reasonable, the language is not fatative but blames, mujahid if you make a mistake, it cannot be denied, all problems require the right meaning or interpretation.

Ustaz Saifuddin closed his material by underlining how to emulate Ibnu Taymiyayah, which is his tolerant nature.

The activity continued with discussions with several deradicalization partner participants asking about the differences between heresy and the cause of ghuluw in takfir and how to prevent ghuluw takfir. In one of the answers, Ustaz Saifuddin advised that ghuluw can be treated and can be improved.

"And our function is to remind ourselves to da'wah in the name of Allah SWT," he concluded.

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