
SEMARANG - Head of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Putu Sumarjaya was tried for receiving fees from the implementing contractor of three projects in Central Java. Public prosecutor Agus Prasetya Raharja said Putu together with Central Java BTP commitment maker Bernard Hasibuan, who was also tried in the same case, engineered the Director of PT Istana Putra Agung Dion Renato Sugiarto as the winner of the three railway projects. The three projects are each of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso KM 96 + 400 to KM 104 + 900 (JGSS 6) double lines, construction of the Solo elevated KA Balapan-Kadipiro KM 104 + 900 s.d. KM 106 + 900 (JGSS 4), and Track Layout Tegal Station. "The defendant won Dion Renato Sugiarto's company with an agreement to provide a number of commitment fees," said the prosecutor in an online trial chaired by Chief Judge Gatot Sarwadi at the Semarang Corruption Court, Antara, Thursday, September 14. From the JGSS 4 project whose value reached Rp. 182 billion, the amount of fee given by Dion Renato Sugiarto was Rp. 7.3 billion. Apart from being given to the defendants Putu Sunarjaya and Bernard Hasibuan, there was also a KSO fee under the hand for contractors who did not work on the project, Billy Haryanto alias Billy Beras, amounting to Rp3.2 billion. In the JGSS 6 project with a value of Rp164 billion, the amount of the fee given reached Rp18.3 billion Apart from being accepted by the two defendants, there was also a KSO fee under the hand for contractors who did not work on the project, Muhammad Suryo, amounting to Rp9.5 billion. As for the Tegal Station TLO project with a value of IDR 65 billion, the amount of fees given reached IDR 2.8 billion, amounting to IDR 2.5 billion of which was for contractors who did not work on the project, Karsena Endra, amounting to IDR 2.5 billion. The total fee directly received by the defendants Putu Sumarjaya and Bernard Hasibuan was IDR 7.4 billion. The two defendants were charged with Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001.
On this charge, the defendant Putu Sumarjaya did not submit an exception, while Bernard Hasibuan would give a response at the upcoming trial.

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