
PEKANBARU - An ES man (39) was arrested by the Pekanbaru Police Satreskrim for killing his own younger brother, last Wednesday night. The victim MS (35) was killed by strangling and being hit by stones in the head.

The murder incident occurred on Jalan Garuda Sakti KM 4.5, Air Putih Village, Tuah Madani District, Pekanbaru City, Riau at around 20.43 WIB.

The ES suspect was arrested on Jalan Kartini Pekanbaru City by the Jatanras Unit Team moments after the incident.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pekanbaru Police, Kompol Bery Juana Putra, explained that this murder was classified as sadistic. ES killed his younger brother MS by strangling and hitting the victim in the head with a stone.

"The motive was hurt by his younger brother because he often fought his parents," said Bery, Thursday, September 14.

After the victim was helpless as a result of being hit by a rock, the perpetrator then threw his sister's body and fell into the bottom of the Sail River bridge.

"The perpetrator admitted to having committed murder by hitting the victim in the head with a rock and strangling the victim. Then he pushed the victim's body under the bridge," he said.

The victim's body was later found on Thursday morning at around 08.30 WIB by Babinsa who happened to have crossed the bridge. The incident was then reported to the local Bhabinkamtibmas.

"One hour later, the Pekanbaru Police identification team arrived at the location to conduct a crime scene investigation and continued with taking the victim to Bhayangkara Hospital Pekanbaru," he said.

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