
JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) Ganjar Pranowo uploaded a video that tells the story of his life journey, on his YouTube account yesterday. In the video titled #ManifestoGanjar, the Governor of Central Java for two periods invited the 2024 presidential election to be a place to compete with ideas, not divisions.

The video entitled 'Manifesto #1: Let's Unite Not Be Fierce' uploaded by Ganjar is short. Only 7 minutes 2 seconds. In the video, Ganjar looks neat in a white shirt, hair that is splashed, sits facing the camera. The figure of the white-haired presidential candidate, then tells the journey of his life briefly and reveals his political manifesto.

Political communication observer, M. Lukman, considers that what Ganjar is doing is a positive thing and needs to be followed by other presidential candidates. According to him, historically, Manifesto is not just an open statement, and must be owned by all leaders.

Manifesto must be seen as an oath of an attitude and view of a person, rather than just an 'open statement', why? Because manifesto has a domino effect on the growth of collective movements that unite the nation in achieving certain goals. Ujar M. Lukman in a written statement, Wednesday, September 13.

"Prospective leaders must have a manifesto for several things: first: as a benchmark regarding how deep the insight, ideas, and - especially - the sense of belonging of the leader is truly able to analyze the variant of community problems and the accuracy of deciding on solutions that are not only detrimental to society. "

Lukman also said that Ganjar's statement in the Manifesto deserves appreciation and is not merely considered a gimmick and can be an arena for the community to continue to monitor and how Ganjar analyzes various problems concretely based on experience

"Because manifesto is an open oath aimed at the public, then anyone has the right to make manifesto, and Ganjar's manifesto must be appreciated as the main principle so that he is always supervised by the people, don't be considered a gimmick." he said

Manifesto Ganjar displays more experience extraction and analysis as part of the 'wong cilik' which is then used as a guideline when leading the region. The value of Ganjar's leadership lies in matters that are indeed the problem of the majority of society, namely unequal welfare, even Ganjar experienced similar concerns during his time. he concluded

He continued, it is appropriate for all leaders to have a political manifesto and should imitate Ganjar, compared to the campaign to culminate on the pulpit which was witnessed by many supporters*

Even every candidate leader should make manifesto openly with the aim of not closing the tap of criticism of him while preventing the emergence of leadership absoluteism. " Ujar Lukman

"But again the problem is, manifesto requires mental courage, rationality and moral honesty. Of course, it is easier for prospective leaders to campaign to run over the pulpit which is high, witnessed by many supporters, or assign certain people to polish their image without having to struggle, or even put up banners/balihos in a row on every highway that is crowded by the community.

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