
JAKARTA The South Jakarta Metro Police has uncovered a case of an orgy sex party in the South Jakarta area. The South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary, explained that the case was revealed from a brief report on a mobile phone that complained about a sex party. On that basis, his party investigated until they finally arrested several perpetrators.

"Starting from a complaint that entered my personal WA no. Then I went to the Criminal Investigation Unit for investigation, finally it was revealed and secured by several perpetrators," Ade told reporters, Tuesday, September 12.

Ade has not explained in more detail regarding the alleged sex party in question. However, he said it would be conveyed further during today's press conference.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro. He said the perpetrators were arrested in the Semanggi area, South Jakarta.

"Arrested in one of the apartments in the Semanggi area," he concluded.

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