
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in 2023 will experience a deficit of up to IDR 5 trillion. This was stated in a plenary meeting to deliver the Governor's Acting address on the Raperda on Amendments to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Budget for Fiscal Year 2023.

Head of the DKI Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata explained that the shrinkage in the APBD value was caused by regional revenues that did not reach the target.

Thus, in the 2023 APBD amendments, the DKI Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta DPRD need to adjust the value of income and expenditure to make it more realistic.

"We have adjustments in other legitimate PAD (regional original income). Because the position is to get a realistic target, so there is an adjustment down there," said Michael at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Monday, September 11.

In today's plenary meeting, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono explained the details of the 2023 APBD changes which were previously set at IDR 83.78 trillion and then now IDR 78.72 trillion.

"The total draft changes to the regional revenue and expenditure budget for the 2023 budget year amounted to IDR 78.72 trillion, a decrease of 6.04 percent compared to the determination of the regional revenue and expenditure budget for the 2023 budget of IDR 83.78 trillion," explained Heru at the DKI DPRD Building.

In detail, regional income in the APBD changes is planned at IDR 69.83 trillion, a decrease of 6.12 percent compared to the previous determination of IDR 74.38 trillion.

The adjusted regional revenue value is expected to come from PAD amounting to Rp48.25 trillion, transfer income of Rp19.59 trillion, and other legitimate regional income of Rp1.99 trillion.

Meanwhile, regional spending on the 2023 APBD changes is planned at IDR 71.31 trillion, a decrease of 4.43 percent compared to the previous determination of IDR 74.61 trillion.

The regional spending plan consists of operating spending, capital expenditures, unexpected expenditures, and transfer expenditures.

Then, the receipt of financing for the APBD changes is planned at IDR 8.90 trillion from SiLPA the previous year, which was projected at IDR 8.60 trillion, as well as regional loan receipts of IDR 295.22 billion.

Then, financing expenditures are planned at IDR 7.41 trillion, allocated to regional-owned enterprises in the form of regional capital participation of IDR 5.43 trillion, principal debt installment payments due IDR 1.8 trillion, and providing regional loans for housing acquisition facilities (FPPR) of IDR 176 billion.

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