
PONOROGO - Ponorogo Regent, East Java, Sugiri Sancoko believes that the series of forest fires that hit his area was indeed due to the intentional factor of the fielders or communities around the forest who wanted to clear land.

"I find it difficult to check, clarify to the police, related devices and officers. And everyone believes that the majority or even all of these fire incidents were intentional by the surrounding community (forest)," said Kang Giri, as the Regent of Sugiri was quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 7.

He explained that the total number of forest fires in Ponorogo during this year's dry season had occurred 17 times at 17 different locations.

As a regional head, he admitted that he was concerned. Because, it turns out that there are still many residents who do not have awareness of forest conservation, even taking actions (fires) that endanger safety and threaten environmental conservation.

The Regent doubts if the fire occurred due to friction of wood or tree branches. According to him, this is not possible.

"Usually the arson is carried out to get rid of leaf waste and weeds/ramps that dry up during the dry season. This is the goal to clear new land," he said.

For this reason, Sugiri also appealed to the public to work hand in hand to carry out joint supervision.

In addition to asking the awareness of the fields to stop burning weeds that are at risk of triggering forest fires because it is detrimental to many people.

"If there is no awareness, it is difficult. We try to have awareness through all of you. We think together it is very evil," said Sugiri.

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