
BANTEN - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Banten Province stated that Lebak Regency was declared a drought emergency area because as many as 20 sub-districts were affected by El Nino. "Of the six regencies/cities that have drought points in Banten. Only Lebak Regency has declared a drought emergency," said Head of the Banten Province BPBD Daily Executive, Nana Suryana in Serang, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 7. In Lebak Regency, there are about 20 sub-districts where there are drought points or residents have difficulty with clean water. "Other areas are only a few points of drought. In Lebak there are 20 sub-districts, although not all villages in one sub-district," he said. He said the drought point for residents in Banten occurred in Tangerang Regency, Serang Regency, Lebak Regency, Pandeglang Regency, Cilegon City and Serang City. "If there are at least two areas that have declared a drought emergency, then the Banten Provincial Government can set an emergency Banten drought," he said. According to him, BPBD Banten together with regencies/cities and other institutions have distributed clean water assistance to the location of the drought, especially in locations where the drought is quite severe, such as in Kasemen District, Serang City.
"If later the Banten Provincial Government has declared a drought emergency, then it can spend an unexpected budget (BTT) to provide assistance to residents affected by drought," said Nana Suryana.

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