
JAKARTA - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised Indonesia's motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, appreciating the role of Indonesia and ASEAN in various areas of life in the region.

The UN Secretary-General said the world was at the cusp of a crisis, with a worsening climate emergency, escalating wars and conflicts, increasing poverty, widening inequality and rising geopolitical tensions.

"There is a real risk of fragmentation causing major cracks in the world's economic and financial systems; with different strategies in terms of technology and artificial intelligence, as well as conflicting security frameworks," said Secretary-General Guterres in his statement on the sidelines of the 43rd Summit. ASEAN in Jakarta, citing the UN website, Thursday, September 7.

Furthermore, the UN Secretary-General praised ASEAN and its member countries for playing an important role in building bridges of understanding.

According to him, ASEAN has become an important factor for unity in a divided world.

"And we need this more than ever, in a world that is increasingly multipolar and requires strong multilateral institutions to follow suit based on equality, solidarity, and universality," explained the UN Secretary-General.

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, unity in diversity, is not just Indonesia's national motto. This is the key to building a better future for all. We need cooperation in all fields," stressed the UN Secretary-General.

The UN Secretary-General said that he really appreciates Indonesia and ASEAN who are persistent in advocating for the climate crisis, sustainable development, as well as non-proliferation and disarmament.

Furthermore, the UN Secretary-General praised ASEAN's constructive role in efforts to reduce tensions in the South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula, by prioritizing dialogue and encouraging respect for international law.

On the other hand, he is deeply concerned by the deteriorating political, humanitarian, and human rights situation in Myanmar, including Rakhine State and the suffering of a large number of refugees living in dire conditions.

"I welcome ASEAN's principled approach to the Five-Point Consensus, and I encourage all countries to continue to seek a unified strategy towards Myanmar," explained the UN Secretary-General.

On this occasion, the Secretary General of the United Nations also appreciated Indonesia's hard efforts as chair of ASEAN to involve all parties involved in the conflict in political dialogue.

"And I reiterate my urgent appeal to the military rulers of Myanmar, to listen to the aspirations of its people, release all political prisoners, and open the door for a return to democratic governance," the UN Secretary-General said.

Separately, the UN Secretary General also thanked the more than 5,000 peacekeepers from Indonesia and other ASEAN member countries who served around the world.

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