The Mataram City Police are handling a case of alleged assault or sexual abuse of a security officer (satpam) with the initials J (41) against a junior high school student (SMP).
The Head of the Mataram Police, Police Commissioner Mustofa, said that his party in this case had arrested and detained J for alleged criminal offenses in accordance with the Child Protection Act.
"In accordance with the results of the case title, we have named J as a suspect because his actions lead to the alleged violation of Article 81 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76E of the Child Protection Law. The penalty is 5 to 15 years in prison," said Mustofa in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Monday 4 September, confiscated by Antara.
The police chief explained that the location of jehadian from J's crime was in the West Lombok area. At that time the victim was making love to his girlfriend in a field.
The suspect, as a complex security guard who was close to the scene, caught the victim's activities with his girlfriend.
"So, with the mode of reporting the victim's actions being dating, this suspect carried out his bad intentions," he said.
From the results of the case title, continued Mustofa, it was revealed that the suspect committed the indecent act with the element of coercion.
"You could say this is an act with threatening patterns. This child victim is under pressure and coercion," he said.
With this case, Mustofa said that his party was still investigating the search for other victims.
"If there are other victims, of course we will participate in the completeness of the file," said Mustofa.
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