
A 45-year-old man with the initials J, who works as a traditional medicine shaman, was arrested by the police. This arrest is related to the alleged sexual harassment of a teenager with the initials SE (15) who is still a minor.

The incident occurred twice with the mode of spiritual medicine because the victim's mother was sick. The location of the incident was in Batang Sarik Nagari Kataping, Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra on Wednesday.

Ironically after committing obscene acts, the perpetrator recorded a video of the victim naked, which was later used as a threat so that the victim would not report this incident to her parents.

This incident began when perpetrator J, who is also a community leader and a traditional medicine shaman, was treating the victim's mother who was sick. The first obscenity occurred inside the victim's house.

The perpetrator carried out the action on the grounds of bathing the victim as part of spiritual treatment for his mother. At this moment, the perpetrator began to feel the sensitive part of the victim's body.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pariaman Police, AKP Muhamad Arvi, explained that the next obscenity incident occurred when the victim and three of his friends went to Pariaman City after the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony on August 17 at school. The perpetrator came with two of his colleagues by car.

"The perpetrator told him that the victim would take him home on the grounds that he would treat his mother. The perpetrator informed the victim's friend that he was his uncle," said AKP Muhamad Arvi, Thursday, August 24.

The victim, who had refused the perpetrator's invitation, was then threatened with a machete by the perpetrator to immediately get into the car. While in the car, the victim was told to change his school uniform and around Pariaman Beach. After that, the perpetrator took the victim to a hotel in Pasir Village, Central Pariaman District, Pariaman City.

At the hotel, the perpetrator locked the bedroom door and threatened the victim to fulfill his request using a machete threat. The perpetrator committed obscene acts while recording his actions with his cellphone.

After the incident, the victim reported this incident to his parents. The victim's parents immediately reported this incident to the Pariaman Police.

Receiving the report, the Pariaman Police Satreskrim immediately examined three witnesses and arrested the perpetrator at his home. When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted his actions.

For his actions, the perpetrators were charged with Articles 81 and 82 of the Child Protection Law, with a threat of up to 15 years in prison.

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