
Bogor Sentosa Hospital disabled five midwives and nurses at the hospital for neglecting to install identity bracelets until the exchange of babies belonging to Siti Mauliah (37).

The decision of the Sentosa Bogor Hospital was taken following seven people who had been examined as witnesses by the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit investigators.

"Initially 15 people wanted to be sanctioned, but we have to see how many people were involved," said Sentosa Bogor Hospital spokesman Gregg Djako in his statement, Monday, August 21.

"We are exploring and looking for which one plays the most and knows very well what happened. So only 10 of our people are SP1. Meanwhile, the five nurses and midwives are disabled or relieved of their duties," he said.

Gregg said the sanctioned midwives and nurses had been transferred to the administration for the time being.

"They in this one department were disabled not to hold that part (the delivery)," he added

Previously, the Bogor Sentosa Hospital midwives and nurses were questioned by the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

They were examined as witnesses who handled the delivery or birth of a baby resident of Bogor named Siti Maulia who was swapped.

The real reason the babies can be swapped was finally revealed. Apparently there is a double bracelet that is the carelessness of the nurses.

The results of the examination for 10 hours, there was an element of negligence when attaching a bracelet to Siti's baby aka a double bracelet or two bracelets with the same name, namely the name of patient B (as referred to from the hospital)

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