JAKARTA - Two representatives of North Jakarta who joined as members of the Paskibraka representative for North Jakarta, namely Muhammad Faqih from SMA Negeri 114 Jakarta and Inolla Jovial Gwineth Jacob from SMA Tunas Karya. They carry out the task of flying Sang Saka Merah Putih at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Thursday morning, August 17.
The pair of XI SMA students from North Jakarta were inaugurated by President Joko Widodo along with dozens of other students on Tuesday, August 15, as 78 members of the heirloom flag-raising force during the 78th Anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia.
North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim in Jakarta, Thursday, assessed that the achievement was not just a coincidence or good fate, but there was a process that was passed to pass the selection and was finally elected.
Both of them have undergone selection starting from the city, provincial level, until finally they were able to get through the tight national level competition.
Ali said that serving as a member of Paskibraka is expected to be an option for positive activities for young people to teach how to be disciplined, dedicated, responsible, and can be an example.
"We hope that the students who join Paskibraka can be role models at any time and when carrying out their duties later everything can run smoothly," said Ali.
On that occasion, the Mayor of North Jakarta left a message to Muhammad Faqih and Inolla Jovial Gwineth Jacob to maintain their health, be diligent in worship, and continue to increase motivation.
Behind the achievements of the two students, of course there is a sense of pride that surrounds the hearts of their parents.
Faqih's mother, Dian Arika (56), Wednesday, said that the youngest of her five children did train hard so they could pass the national level.
At the beginning of entering SMA 114 Jakarta, Faqih was initially not interested in participating in the extracurricular (ekskul) of the flag-raising troops (Paskibra). Faqih's initial interest actually participated in the basketball export.
"The child actually didn't want to, because he thought he was tired, ma'am, tired, but said his coaching brothers, you have talent, you are high, you have your potential there," said Dian.
Despite the resistance at the beginning, Faqih gradually began to seriously undergo his activities.
Faqih trained hard at school, until finally he got the opportunity to register for the city-level Paskibraka selection. The city's level passed, Faqih continued to participate in the provincial level selection.
In fact, Faqih was able to go through all the selection processes and go back to the national level.
"I've been crying there, O Allah, how come I didn't think so far because I didn't have the thought of going to the national level," said Dian.
Joy was also felt by Rolyne H Jacob (45), the mother of Inolla Jovial Gwineth Jacob.
Although previously, Inolla had refused when directed by her mother to take part in the Paskibraka selection in January 2023, now starting to diligently participate in training after training from the coaches, from the city level to the provincial level.
His confidence began to build, until finally Inolla dared to participate in the national level selection and in fact passed.
From the beginning, Rolyne had believed in the great potential of her child, so she continued to encourage Inolla to move forward to the next levels.
"He dreams of becoming a criminologist. His aspirations are a bit scary, so actually like this, I see that he has the ability to be in a field like Paskibraka, which is more or less military, semi-military, because he is a bit tomboy, that's the term," he said.
Now, the commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence at the State Palace is only a matter of hours.
Faqih and Inolla's physical and mental preparations for months will be faced with the real reality tomorrow.
At the same time, prayers and support continue to flow from Dian and Rolyne, hoping that their beloved children can smooth out their service to the state.
"This is truly an extraordinary pride because this is the first time my school has advanced to the national level. After 13 years there has been no representative of the North Jakarta Paskibraka to the national level, finally this year there is a pair of Paskibraka North Jakarta who managed to qualify for the national level," said Muhammad Faqih, a candidate for national post-braking.
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