
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) confirmed that satellite imagery photos circulating in the community regarding the influence of PLTU emissions on the high air pollution in Jakarta were fake and made by irresponsible people alias hoaxes.

Director of Air Pollution Control of the Directorate General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control (PPKL) KLHK Luckmi Purwandari said that there are parties who want to take advantage amid the issue of air pollution in the capital city.

"Indeed, the photo has already been circulated and we have actually conducted a study. When viewed on the goalival 5p satellite website, it shows how nitrogen dioxide in the air is like," he said in a discussion with the theme Pollution Solution Jakarta, Tuesday, August 15.

Luckmi said the data on this page shows the direction of the wind not to Jakarta, in contrast to simulation images scattered in the community.

Currently, he said, the transportation and manufacturing sector is still a major problem of air pollution in DKI Jakarta which must be controlled immediately so that the public can enjoy the air of the capital city that is better.

Luckmi said air pollution control must be carried out immediately following the many causes, both natural and unnatural.

"What we can control comes from human activities such as the transportation sector, industry, household activities to burning garbage," he explained.

As for natural factors, continued Luckmi, it is difficult to control.

"Well, the causes that we cannot control are the seasons, directions and speeds of the wind, the landscape of the city of Jakarta and others," he explained.

Luckmi stated that the results of the last limited meeting (ratas) explained that the transportation sector was the main cause.

"Based on emission inventory from various researches in recent years, emission disposal from the transportation sector has indeed become the main cause of pollution in Jakarta, followed by industry," he said.

Over the past three months, added Luckmi, a number of researches say that every June-August period or in the dry season where the east muson wind blows, the risk of poor air quality is higher than other periods.

"Referring to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, from 2018 to 2023, based on the air pollution standard index (ISPU), the average air quality in Jakarta is not healthy, especially in the current months," he added.

For this reason, the government really hopes that the wider public will be able to control the use of private transportation so as not to worsen the pollution situation in Jakarta.

"This is important for all public health," he concluded.

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