The team of doctors at the Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSSA) Malang City managed to separate the 11-month-old conjoined twins, named Aisyah and Aliyah.
President Director of Saiful Anwar Hospital, Dr Bachtiar Budianto, said that the operation to separate conjoined twins who were children from a couple from Pasuruan Regency was carried out starting at 09.05 WIB.
"The implementation was approximately 09.05 WIB. Then within about an hour, or at 10.10 WIB, separation or separation was successfully carried out," Bachtiar said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 12.
Bachtiar explained, in the series of operations to separate conjoined twins, the team of doctors made extensive preparations since Fajr or approximately 04.30 WIB in the operating room.
In the operation to separate conjoined twins, the team of doctors at the Saiful Anwar Hospital, accompanied by experienced doctors from the Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital, Surabaya. The doctor from Dr. Soetomo Hospital, has experience in operating the separation of conjoined twins 123 times.
"We have carried out separasi surgery or separation of conjoined twins. The preparations have been quite long since the Fajr of the experts have been in the operating room," he said.
During the operation to separate conjoined twins, there were difficulties. However, the team of doctors has prepared various efforts to anticipate difficulties during the operation.
"For now, it is in the process of closing the skin. The patient's condition is stable and the bleeding is under control," he said.
In the operation to separate conjoined twins, which was first carried out by the Saiful Anwar Hospital, involved dozens of health workers (nakes). There were approximately 40-50 people involved in the operation with high risk.
A number of expert doctors involved in the operation to separate conjoined twins who were first carried out by the Saiful Anwar Hospital were chaired by Dr. Eko Sulistijono Sp.A(K) and team secretary dr Setya Mitra H., Sp.A(K).
The patient who will undergo the separation operation is named Aisyah and Aliyah aged 11 months. The conjoined twins of the couple who are residents of Pasuruan Regency, East Java were born September 15, 2022 at the Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang City.
From the results of the team's analysis, the conjoined twins experience a stomach condition attached to the term oxiphalagus. In addition, the organs in the liver or liver stick, as well as the unification of the baby's stern bone.
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