
JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of Judges held by the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission imposed a dishonorable dismissal of West Jakarta District Court Judge Dede Suryaman for accepting bribes amounting to Rp300 million.

"Imposing sanctions on the reported judge (DS) with severe sanctions in the form of dishonorable dismissal," said Supreme Court Justice Desnayetiselaku, Chairman of the MKH Assembly at the MA building, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.

Desnayeti said DS was proven to have violated the Joint Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Indonesian Navy Number 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct Hakimjuncto Joint Regulations of the Supreme Court and KY Number 02/PB/MA/IX/2012 and 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 concerning Guidelines for Enforcement of the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Judges article 9 paragraph (4) letter a.

As for the aggravating thing, Judge DS violated the judge's code of ethics and behavior. While mitigating things, DS committed psychologically-driven violations under pressure during the trial process of case number 31/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Surabaya with the defendant Samsul Ashar, the former Mayor of Kediri.

"And the reported judge (DS) admitted his mistake and promised to improve himself," said Desnayeti.

In their consideration, Desnayeti said that the defense submitted by DS and the defense team from the Indonesian Panel of Judges (IKAHI) could not be accepted by the Honorary Council of Judges.

The things conveyed by DS in the MKH trial could not break the recommendations of the Supreme Court Supervisory Agency team which recommended that DS be given severe sanctions.

"So the self-defense of the reported judge (DS) must be rejected," said Desnayeti.

During the trial, DS sat as the reported person regarding the alleged receipt of bribes to lighten the sentence in the corruption case of the Brawijaya Bridge construction project, Kediri, East Java, when he served as chairman of the assembly who tried the case at the Surabaya District Court.

When reading his defense, DS pleaded guilty and regretted accepting a bribe of Rp. 300 million. He admitted that he felt pressured during the trial of case Number 31/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Surabaya.

"I can say that I am very sorry for what happened. I pleaded guilty and in the future I will correct the mistake," said DS.

He admitted that he received the money from a person named Yuda, who was a colleague of a lawyer from the former Mayor of Kediri Samsul Ashar, the defendant in the case.

DS claimed to have returned the money he received to Yuda. The money was returned before the judge's deliberation meeting to decide the defendant Samsul Ashar.

In front of the panel of judges at the MKH trial, DS said he regretted that in seeking justice, he had hit signs that a judge should not have done.

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