
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo attended the Manaqib Kubro, Istighosah and Jam'iyyah General Recitation Ahlith Tariqah aI-Muktabara an-Nahdliyah (Jatman) event in Rembang, Sunday 6 August. In front of tens of thousands of kiai, Ganjar said goodbye as Governor of Central Java.

Present at the event were Katib Aam PBNU, KH Said Asrori, Rois Jatman Central Java KH Dzikron Abdullah, Rois Jatman Lasem KH Najib Rois, Rois Jatman Rembang KH Zamroni, KH Zaim Ahmad Ma'sum and other senior kiai.

"Dumateng romo kiai, kulo nderek say goodbye (to the kiai romo, I have permission to say goodbye). Later on September 5, my duties as Governor of Central Java have been completed. Hopefully the governor will replace me later, be greater, pay more attention to the community," said Ganjar, in a written statement, Sunday, August 6.

During his two-term governorship, Ganjar always recited on the kiai romo. Many advice and suggestions were given, and were used as policies.

"As a result, I recited the role of the kiai romo, I made it a policy. For example, BAZNAS, we did that and Alhamdulillah, it has now worked. If usually zakat, infaq and alms per month in Central Java are only hundreds of millions, now per month it can reach more than Rp. 6 billion," explained Ganjar.

The money from BAZNAS was then used to help the community. Helping the construction of Islamic boarding schools, places of worship, providing incentives to Koran teachers and others.

"So on this occasion I would like to thank the kiai romo which has been guiding us in running the government," he said.

Ganjar also apologized to Father kiai and all the people of Central Java, if during his two terms as Governor of Central Java, there were mistakes and unpleasant things.

"I am happy because while leading Central Java, the role of the kiai and the community has all become a part. Everything is harmonious, harmonious and fun," he said.

Meanwhile, the romo kiai and Rois Jatman Central Java, KH Dzikron Abdillah, prayed for Ganjar to always get success.

"Hopefully Pak Ganjar will be successful, hopefully he will achieve his goals. Blessings," he said.

Dzikron also hopes that the next Central Java leader will imitate what Ganjar is doing. Always sowan and ask for directions from the kiai romo in taking political policies.

"Yes, it has to be like that, like Pak Ganjar," he said.

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