
JAKARTA - The 44th ASEAN Interparlementary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly which will be held in Jakarta following the chairmanship of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the Southeast Asian parliament forum in 2023 will be opened by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

As President of AIPA 2023 and Chair of the 44th AIPA Session, the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, stated that the DPR is ready to host a good host.

The AIPA trial, which began on August 6, will be opened by President Jokowi and attended by 9 DPR Chairmen from ASEAN and also from observer countries, "said Puan after a bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Vietnam Parliament at the Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday 4 August.

The 44th AIPA General Assembly will be held from August 5 to 11, at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta. However, the opening will officially be held on Monday.

The activity, which was attended by parliamentary leaders of Southeast Asian countries, will be attended by 9 Chairmen of the ASEAN Parliament apart from Indonesia, representatives of 17 Observer and Guest countries, as well as representatives of 9 International Organizations. The total participants who will attend are 568 Delegations.

The 44th AIPA General Assembly itself is one of the peaks of the chairmanship of the DPR RI at AIPA, in line with Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN in 2023. In this AIPA session, the DPR carries the theme "Responsive Parliaments for a Stable and Prosperous ASEAN", which according to Puan, is the commitment of ASEAN parliament in creating peace and prosperity in Southeast Asia.

"Parliament needs to be involved in dealing with various international problems, because various global crises have had an impact on the people," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

"This theme will also emphasize the important role of parliament in overcoming various global challenges, in creating stable and prosperous ASEAN. We at the DPR make sure to be involved in this role," continued Puan.

He added that the DPR RI always encourages the strengthening of Parliament in every regional and even global problem. As in the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly, at which time the DPR RI contributed to providing solutions to various problems of increasing geopolitical tensions and climate disasters.

Then at the 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit (P20), the parliament of the G20 countries contributed to their commitment so that there would be no more food security crises. Then in 2023, the DPR will hold the AIPA Presidency which will encourage the creation of stable and prosperous ASEAN amid increasing geopolitical tensions in Southeast Asia.

"All of this aims to increase the contribution of the Parliament in discussing various international issues. Because we are witnessing various international problems that have had a direct impact on the people who chose us in voicing their anxiety," explained Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture said that the role of AIPA is very much needed to support ASEAN countries from the competition for great strength. According to Puan, the Southeast Asian region can resolve priority issues that are of common interest.

"AIPA needs to ensure ASEAN's interests continue to be heard and pay attention to, in solving various problems that require a global commitment," he explained.

Untuk penguatan peran Parliament, dalam Sidang Umum AIPA juga akan dilaksanakan dialog bersama negara observer dan organisasi internasional. Dialog tersebut diharapkan dapat membatani kebedaan dan membangun prediktability hubungan antara kekuatan besar di kawasan.

"AIPA needs to contribute to reducing tensions in the region, and even developing preventive diplomacy because the dynamics of future geopolitical developments will be even more complex," said Puan.

At the 44th AIPA, a Commission Session will be held, including the Political Commission, Economic Commission, Social Commission, Organizational Commission, Parliamentarians Women's Meeting of AIPA (WAIPA), and the Young Parliamentarians of AIPA (YPA) Meeting. Puan and the DPR delegation will also hold a number of bilateral meetings with the parliamentary delegates of ASEAN countries on the sidelines of the AIPA session. "I will also hold various bilateral meetings with the Speaker of the Parliament of friendly countries," explained Bung Karno's grandson.

Today, Puan met with the Chairman of the Vietnam National Assembly, Vuong Dinh Hue. Bilateral meetings are also at the same time in the context of signing the MoU for cooperation between the Indonesian House of Representatives and the Vietnam parliament.

"As a result of the 44th AIPA, it will be approved by Joint Communique as the Parliament's commitment to AIPA members to create a safe, stable, and prosperous Southeast Asia," explained Puan. "This AIPA trial is also an event for ASEAN MPs to share experiences and views in building a better ASEAN future," he concluded.

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