
Garut Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman reminded that the cable excavation project, which has been carried out on the side of the road in Garut Regency, West Java, should not damage public facilities such as roads and sidewalks. The public facilities have been built beautifully by the local government. "Galian is everywhere, we have hotmixed it, the road is good and then excavated, I complain about it," Helmi Budiman told reporters in Garut, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 1. So far, it is often found that there are soil excavation activities to open cable lines by a number of workers from certain companies on the side of the road in the urban area of Garut. So far, it seems that I have not heeded safety because the land is stacked on some parts of the road, which disturbs motorists. "I complain because it is not repaired afterward," he said. He conveyed that the issue of cable excavations that ignored the beauty and safety of motorists was also complained by many people because the former excavations were not tidied up. With this problem, Helmi has asked the relevant agencies to coordinate so that the cable excavation project does not damage the facilities that have been built by the government. "I went to the office to help coordinate, there must be action," he said. One of Garut residents, Thoriq hopes that the government can give a warning that the excavation of cables on the side of the road is carried out without endangering the community and of course tidying up again after the excavation is complete.
"We hope the excavated land is not stored on the asphalt road because of the danger, and the scars are tidied up again, don't just leave it alone," said Thoriq.

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