MALUKU - Region V Inspector of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ma'radin, was officially appointed as Acting Head of Maluku Regional Office (Kakanwil). Marasidin replaces Anwar N who has entered during his retirement period.
"We hope that the Maluku Kemenkumham Regional Office can be even better in the future," said M Anwar N after the handover ceremony (Sertijab) in Ambon, Maluku, Monday, July 31, was confiscated by Antara.
Meanwhile, Acting Head of Regional Office, Maradin, ensured that what had been done and planned for the promotion of the Maluku Regional Office in the future was ready to continue.
"Don't be less competitive than other regional offices, especially the Kadiv-kadiv here are still young, I'm sure I can fight extra together with me building and advancing the Maluku Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office in the future," said Marasidin.
In the same place, the Expert Staff of the Minister of Law and Human Rights for Strengthening Bureaucratic Reform, Asep Kurnia representing the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly advised to always maintain integrity without corruption, collusion and Nepotism (KKN).
"The Bureaucratic Reform must be felt by the community, not only collecting documents but must be truly consistent in providing services without corruption, collusion and nepotism," said Asep when giving a speech
Asep then congratulated Marasidin as the new Head of the Maluku Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, and expressed his gratitude for the dedication that M Anwar had given for the sincere work that had been done in developing his duties until he was retired without any negative records.
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