Senpi Milik Anggota Polres Gunungan Yang Drown Ditemukan Warga Saat Ter Fishing
The long-barreled rifle type SS1 V1 produced by PT Pindad is used by the National Police. (doc Pindad)


PAPUA - A resident found a long-barreled SS1 V1 firearm while fishing in the Digoel River, Bintang Mountains Regency (Pegubin), Papua Province, Mountains.

The weapon is known to belong to a member of the Bintang Mountains Police who died in the incident of drowning in the river.

"The handover of the firearms (senpi) made by Pindad was handed over [represented by the Osea Group of the Bintang Mountains] Saturday (July 29)," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, in Jayapura, Papua, Sunday, July 30, confiscated by Antara.

He said the gun was found when the witness was fishing in the river between Kampung Iwur and Digoel on Friday, July 28.

During this activity, suddenly the witness fishing rod was caught. The witness then decided to swim into the river to release his fishing rod.

When trying to pull it, it turned out that the fishing rod was stuck in a gun which was then taken and reported the findings to the Iwur Sub-Sector Police.

Benny said, after being investigated, it turned out that the gun was brought by the late Brigadier Anumerta Steven Randongkir, who died in a broken bridge accident and was swept away in the Digoel River on January 28.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police appreciated the handover of the gun and hoped that if it was found it would be immediately handed over to the police.

"Thank you for your cooperation by handing over the organic senpi Polri used by the Gunungan Police," said Benny.

4 TNI-Polri personnel were reported missing after falling from a bridge on the Diguel River which suddenly cut off on January 28. At that time, the four of them were about to head to Iwur District, Bintang Mountains Regency (Pegubin), Papua Province, Mountains.

In that incident, 4 TNI-Polri personnel were declared dead. They are Brigadier Yohanes Matteus, Bripda Risman Rahman, Bripda Randongkir, soldiers of Infantry Battalion 143/TWEJ Pratu Ferdian.

All the victims have been found and buried in their hometowns.

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