
The PDI-P Central Executive Board (DPP) for Honorary Affairs summoned its members Cinta Mega who were in the spotlight after allegedly playing games in a plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

The summons for clarification was made at the PDIP DPP office, Jakarta, Friday, July 28.

The Chairperson of the PDIP DPP for Honorary Affairs, Komarudin Watubun, said that Cinta had provided clarification about the case in the spotlight.

According to him, the DPP has received a proposal from the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD regarding Cinta which is given organizational sanctions.

"But in the mechanism of this party, if the defendant already has the right, it also clarifies what is proposed by the DPD, earlier we have conveyed it, we have examined the person concerned," said Komarudin as quoted by ANTARA.

In her clarification, Cinta admitted that at the time of the incident she only wanted to kill boredom by playing games while in the plenary meeting room.

"Indeed, he said that at that time because they had a meeting for too long. So he had time to open his cellphone and look at playing games, but he forgot to close, closed again, finally it was highlighted when the advertisement, the online game ad entered, but we didn't just believe it," he said.

However, hearing Cinta's explanation, Komar admitted that he would not just believe it. He emphasized that the DPP would still carry out further examinations before making a decision.

"We still need additional examinations with the DPD because the DPD has fulfilled the procedure or not, after that the ethics and discipline committee recommended to the DPP to impose sanctions, regarding the sanctions, the DPP decided," said Komarudin.

The DPP wants to hear first an explanation from the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD regarding why it directly imposes organizational sanctions on Love.

This is because the imposition of organizational sanctions cannot be decided immediately, let alone not accompanied by the summoning of Cinta first. He said that everything must have a mechanism or stage.

"The DPD must also be asked for an explanation, because according to Mrs. Cinta Mega DPD, the DPD immediately met and decided to impose organizational sanctions, it was not allowed, she had to be there and had the right to submit clarification. So there was no incoming news, the party immediately decided. That can't be done, PDI Perjuangan can't be like that," he said.

Regarding further processes related to the summons for clarification of the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD, PDIP will be carried out immediately by the PDIP DPP, especially in the field of honor.

"Just once, just clarify with the DKI Jakarta DPD, so that his rights as a member of the party are guaranteed, it can't be because the media oh there is a problem with our direct members without us giving him the opportunity to convey his problems or defend ourselves, he can't be fired immediately," he said.

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